SRSLY NGS automation

With rapid adoption of next-generation sequencing in research and in the clinic there has been an increased need for more high-throughput workflows. To enable rapid library preparation with minimum hands-on time, these protocols have been integrated with liquid handling solutions.

The SRSLY® workflow involves a simple 2-step protocol with bead purification steps and is easy to run manually. However, as the number of reactions increase, even a simple protocol can benefit from automation solutions. We and our customers have tested SRSLY on several popular liquid handlers.

Integrating a new library prep on a liquid handler is a challenging endeavor. And as you know, at ClaretBio we like challenges! We now offer editable prototype scripts and set-up instructions that allow you to modify and incorporate SRSLY on your favorite robots. We provide inert reagents to do the extensive tests that are necessary before deploying a full automation workflow. We also provide automation-friendly kits and bulk reagents that cater to the higher reagent volume needs. Ask us for inert reagents to get your liquid handler set-up for SRSLY workflows.

liquid handlers TESTED:

Protocol tested:

  • SRSLY PicoPlus and NanoPlus - Denaturation and Ligation

  • ForShear - enzymatic shearing

  • UMI Addition

  • Index PCR

  • Single-sided DNA bead purification

  • …more in testing!

Write to us if you need assitance with automation at