Application notes
Application of ClaretBio Tech
Litertature highlight: TARGETED Enrichment applications
This application note describes the utility of SRSLY in performing targeted sequence analysis of SAR-CoV-2 RNA-Seq libraries were generated with SRSLY within 3 hours. Subsequent enrichment of viral sequences can be performed with a user-preferred hybridization-based panel.
SRSLY NGS library preparation with twist exome panel enrichment for ctDNA SNP profiling
Using the Horizon Oncospan cfDNA standard and the Twist Bioscience pan-cancer enrichment panel, we showcase the utility of SRSLY NGS library preparation in ctDNA variant calling.
General Application Notes
Reduce pipetting steps, gain hands free time! With the Bravo machine, you can prepare SRSLY libraries as easily as you would manually!
SRSLY Libraries are now compatible with the Singular Genomics G4 Sequencing platform.
This application note describes the utility of SRSLY in performing targeted sequence analysis of SAR-CoV-2 RNA-Seq libraries were generated with SRSLY within 3 hours. Subsequent enrichment of viral sequences can be performed with a user-preferred hybridization-based panel.
SRSLY NGS library preparation with twist exome panel enrichment for ctDNA SNP profiling
Cell-free DNA (cfDNA), found circulating in blood plasma, contains a wealth of clinically relevant biological information which can be recovered by minimally-invasive procedures. Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data obtained from cfDNA, can be used to monitor prenatal health, organ transplant reception or rejection, cancer and other diseases.
Using the Horizon Oncospan cfDNA standard and the Twist Bioscience pan-cancer enrichment panel, we showcase the utility of SRSLY NGS library preparation in ctDNA variant calling.
ClaretBio’s Clarefy Purification beads are the ultimate choice for retaining short DNA fragments. But we understand labs may have their own purification beads. We’ve put together a handy comparison how to still get the best SRSLY NGS libraries with other, 3rd party beads.