General Product Information
This data sheet demonstrates the advantages of ClaretBio’s suite of technologies in improving the quality of data captured from clinical samples of poor quality. Here, using DNA and RNA extracted from FFPE tissue that are of low DNA Integrity Number (DIN) or RNA Integrity Number (RIN), we show that the ForShear™>SRSLY® whole genome sequencing workflow and REALLY rNONE™ RNA-Seq workflow generate high quality data even with challenging samples
Learn more about our offering (launch Feb 2025) - a workflow for RNA-Seq from whole blood or blood derived RNA with globin depletion.
Our new product, ForShear allows fragmentation of gDNA and seamless intergretion with SRSLY library preparation. Generate high-quality libraries from challenging low-quality severely damaged libraries.
SRSLY™ a single-stranded approach to NGS library preparation for analysis of cell-free DNA fragments
SRSLY™ a single-stranded approach to Illumina NGS library preparation for analysis of highly fragmented and low yield DNA
SRSLY can be used for NGS-based quality control of synthetic oligonucleotides.
Efficient single-stranded library method for RNA-Seq workflows
DNA termini profiling assay for improved fragmentomics
SRSLY works downstream of methyl-conversion for epigenetic analyses of DNA