REALLY hg-rNONE for RNA-Seq with hemoglobin depletion
ClaretBio is ISO13485:2016 Certified
Meet us at ABRF25 in Las Vegas
REALLY hg-rNONE for RNA-Seq with hemoglobin depletion -- ClaretBio is ISO13485:2016 Certified -- Meet us at ABRF25 in Las Vegas --
Degraded DNA molecules have a story to tell. And what good is any story without an end? Traditional Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) methods alter or obliterate the native ends of DNA fragments. But we at Claret Bioscience are nucleic acid purists. Our mission is to leave molecules unaltered and deliver the complete DNA (and RNA) story from beginning to end.
What we do
At Claret Bioscience, we build NGS library preparation and analysis tools that empower a deeper understanding of degraded DNA molecules, with an emphasis on cell-free DNA (cfDNA). Our main technology is SRSLY® Single Reaction Single-stranded DNA Library Prep Kit. SRSLY produces complex libraries from 1 ng of input cfDNA and is designed to capture a broad range of input molecule types.
With additional modules you can expand the utility of SRSLY other sources of degraded DNA and RNA. Forshear™, our enzymatic fragmentation module helps fragment and generate libraries from good quality and degraded genomic DNA. REALLY™ our directional RNA-Seq kit, doesn’t need 2nd strand synthesis and creates high complexity libraries even from poor quality FFPE RNA as low as 10 ng.
To find out more click below or visit our technology pages.
The best cell-free DNA library prep out there, seriously.
Get the best data from your worst genomic samples, for sure
Do you still Seq your true RNA direction, really?
check out our kit faqs page to more than you wanted to know about our kits!
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