The SERIOUS Talk-1

Liquid biopsies based on circulating nucleic acids are a promising new avenue for unbiased and noninvasive identification and diagnosis of a wide variety of diseases. In this talk, Ms. Chang describes the innovative molecular and analytical tools developed at the De Vlamnick lab for cfDNA analyses and their application in graft rejection and infectious diseases. Their work showcases the utility of ClaretBio's SRSLY next-generation sequencing library prep ( in retention of fragments lost to traditional methods. In this webinar they discuss the following:

  • How measurement biases in the preanalytical workflow distort cell-free DNA fragmentation profiles and define the sensitivity of metagenomic cell-free DNA sequencing assays. They show that the sensitivity of these assays is strongly influenced by the choice of preanalytical variables, such as the library preparation protocol.

  • The utility of protocols that favor short fragment recovery for methylation profiling assays to trace and quantify tissue-specific injury to inform the host response to disease.

The presentation is approximately 40min followed by a 10 min Q&A.